In the context of electronic messaging, spam refers to unsolicited, bulk or indiscriminate messages, typically sent for a commercial purpose.
We has a zero-tolerance spam policy.
Our messaging systems automatically scan all incoming email [and other] messages, and filter-out messages that appear to be spam.
No message filtering system is 100% accurate, and from time to time legitimate messages will be filtered-out by our systems.
If you believe this has happened to a message you have sent, please advise the message recipient by another means.
You can reduce the risk of a message being caught by the spam filters by sending the message in plain text (i.e. no HTML), removing any attachments, and ensuring that your messages are scanned for malware before dispatch.
We provide a facility that enables users to send [email messages / private messages] to others. Users must not use this facility to send unsolicited, bulk or indiscriminate messages, whether or not for commercial purposes.
In the unlikely event that you receive any message from us or message sent using our system that may be considered a spam, please contact us using the details below and the matter will be investigated.
We may amend this anti-spam policy at any time by publishing a new version on this website.
Should you have any questions about this anti-spam policy, please contact us using the details on our website.
House Demolition Sydney's employees and sub-contractors follow strict safety standards in accordance with our Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Management Procedures. All our employees are site safety induced and have induction cards and experience for all the tasks we undertake.
Please Contact Us if you'd like to request additional information, clarification, or and for an estimate Click Here regarding this service or any other services House Demolition Sydney offers.